Rants of a deranged squirrel.

Month of MySpace Bugs (MOMSB)

[This was originally published on the OSVDB blog.]

Yes, the trend continues and gets more .. odd.

The Washington Post decided to cover this story giving it more attention than it probably deserves. From the home page of the effort:

The purpose of the exercise is not so much to expose Myspace as a hive of spam and villainy (since everyone knows that already), but to highlight the monoculture-style danger of extremely popular websites populated by users of various levels of sophistication. We could have just as easily gone after Google or Yahoo or MSN or ZDNet or whatever. Myspace is just more fun, and is becoming notoriously dickish about responding to security issues.

I’m not exactly sure how MySpace deserves a “monoculture-style” designation since it is a single social web site and the vulnerabilities (presumably) aren’t specific to one web browser or operating system.

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